Search Engine Optimization

Does Blogging Help with SEO?

This is the real secret to SEO. The more content you have, the more the search engines will have to crawl and index. This helps give the crawlers a better understanding of just what your website is about, and which types of searches it should rank highly for.

It also gives you the opportunity to branch out on your keyword use. There are two main complications with SEO:

>> limited number of pages means a limited number of keywords you can use.

Because of the way search engines function, you can really only optimize any given page for one or two keywords without diluting their effect. If you try to optimize a website with five pages for everything a pet owner could possibly be looking for, it just won’t work very well.

Blog posts are generally about a single topic, they’re useful for incorporating a range of keywords into your site without running the risk of overdoing it – and by increasing the number of pages on your website with blog posts, you’re giving yourself more room to use your keywords and to include different keywords without affecting your current ones.